Friday, September 30, 2005

my color study. mounted. apparantely it seemed like it was dancing. which was a good thing. who knew?

stupid concrete poetry...i STILL don't get it

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

cookies and milk for nappy time! thanks preston

and apparantly the white teddy bear is supposed to represent my purely white and innocent personality. i feel like such a child.

note: sorry i forgot to take pictures of the 3-d studio and the wood shop. oops.

if you wanna check out pictures of the buildings, you can go to our interactive campus map which is here:

i have classes in the waterman building (kinda middle), what cheer studio (far right), the design center (also kinda middle), and the Baynard Ewing Building (BEB - faaar left). And I live in the quad (middle-ish).

I've just had lunch and now I'm going to go take a nap. jeez i sound just like Kevin. but i'm exausted, didn't get enough sleep last night. too many power tools. peace.

the view from my window. that's that super fancy (and probably expensive) restaurant that you can walk by the back of from fraizer terrace. right smack in the middle of our "campus".

south 1!! my room is kinda near the eerie blue light...i wonder where that came from?

our workroom in south hall. i hear its the only one that's air conditioned? who knew...

our lovely kitchen in south smells a little like burnt-bacon, chocolate cake, and peanut butter cookies...oh, and popcorn. eww...

mailboxes. tons and tons of mailboxes.

fraizer's terrace...a shortcut from the mail room to the quad. plus you get to walk by all the pretentious people eating outside at some fancy clubhouse (that building on the left). its kind of awkward and fun.

on the way to our lovely mail-room. how quaint is providence? why does everything look better in photos?

the risd museum...its actually pretty good, so i hear

the "risd beach"...if you go up that hill, the entrace to my dorm is on the left

on the way back from what cheer studios, where i have 3-d. thanks for waiting, guys.

Monday, September 26, 2005

these are the sketches that got me in here...word...

my drawing studio...lovely...

i've decided that, per some requests, that i'm going to post pictures of around "campus" i'll be filling this out throughout the week. mmm....

Friday, September 23, 2005

brian was working so hard, he didn't even look up...thanks...

me, hard at work on the me-stick. damn i hate that mole. has my hair always looked that reddish? i don't wanna be a red-head...tough it would make me firery-er, i suppose...

nobody does it like saera lee! except me! haha, kidding you fool...xox

saera and alice, perhaps two of the cutest people i know. my partner's in "during class coffee-break" crime. love you both!

Thursday, September 22, 2005

ms. alisha monypenny, when she was still in her usual good mood. feel better darlin'!

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

i think caroline is jealous of chris's fabulous 'stache

it wasn't me, it was johnny rockets! (or something)

chris's one-man dance a robe.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

yumi's tattoo!! how cool. she designed it herself.

me, at a "homework pow-wow" @ chris & can see how much work is actually getting done

nate-dogg the viking...all he needs now is the hat

yumi looks pouty...aww...

preston clearly digs the pink, he just can't hide it!

chris and maya in the hall...eating.

let me explain myself

so, in an attempt not to make the other blog explode, and so that i don't have to be in every picture, i've made another photo blog dedicated solely to photos from risd. i haven't taken too many yet, but i managed to mooch some of yumi's off of her. so here ya go, enjoy.